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Interdisciplinary Research Group (IRG) 1: Electronic structure and light matter interaction in layered quantum materials

Topological quantum materials possess robust state with linear dispersions protected by time reversal symmetry. Materials with Kagome lattice provides a platform for realization of flat bands, Dirac state, and van Hove singularity thus giving an opportunity to study static and ultrafast states of electron correlation effects, which will help the exploration of novel electronic and photonic applications. This hypothesis will be tested across three thrust areas given below:

  • Thrust 1: Static electronic structure of layered Kagome systems.
  • Thrust 2: Ultrafast dynamics in proposed materials.
  • Thrust 3: Enhanced on-chip optical nonlinearities and photonic emulation of quantum materials.


Interdisciplinary Research Group (IRG) 2: Catalysis on Topological Materials

Topological materials provide a rich and robust source of unique surface states including, free surface electrons that can be exploited for catalytically initiating reactions”. This hypothesis will be tested across three thrust areas given as:

  • Thrust 1: Understanding and controlling growth of nanoparticles on Topological Insulators (TIs).
  • Thrust 2: Strong metal-support interactions (SMSI) on TIs for hydrogenation of phenylacetylene derivatives.
  • Thrust 3: Electron transfer rates from TIs for H2 evolution, O2 reduction, and N2 reduction reactions.

Interdisciplinary Research Group (IRG) 3: Quantum Material – Biological Material Interfaces

Quantum materials represent a new frontier in material science that has wide ranging biomedical applications. In order for the biomedical potential of quantum materials to be fully realized we must understand the underlying physical mechanisms that govern quantum material-biological material interactions. The interactions we propose to study are biomechanical in nature as biomechanics impacts many physiological and pathological processes. We will test the following hypothesis: functionalization of graphene and MoS2 surface properties will alter cellular and cytoskeletal biomechanical properties and behavior.

  • Thrust 1: Functionalize graphene and MoS2 with cell attachment-promoting biomolecules.
  • Thrust 2: Probe the impact of functionalized graphene and MoS2 on cell biomechanical activity.
  • Thrust 3: Determine impact of functionalized graphene and MoS2 on cytoskeletal protein assembly and mechanics.